Friday, October 21, 2011

CHA WInter 2011 Dreamweaver Stencils Paste Spreader

How silly of me! I just noticed that the videos from the Winter Show have never been uploaded to my blog, so I will attempt to rectify that over the next few days. I also want to apologize. I really have had good intentions of creating the old technique videos for you, but my videographer and I have had trouble arranging time to do this. First we had to get past the Christmas Workshop that is held each year, regain control of our lives, and then get back to work. My New Year's Resolution for 2012 is to do a better job of this. I will be taking some new videos at the 2012 CHA Winter Show so I will have some new things to add.

In the meantime, please take a look at this great tool. In the past I have used the icing spreader which worked fairly well, but this new tool is so easy. See for yourself: